Speaker: Pastor Randy Locke
Verses Visited:
- Ecclesiastes 2:24-26
- Ecclesiastes 3:11-14
- Habakkuk 3:1
- Habakkuk 2:2
- Matthew 11:27-30
Take Aways:
- Reset and Released
- once an issue (or whatever) is reset then He can release His gifts to you
- in 2023:
- get wisdom
- get knowledge
- be happy
- do good
- to the one that please God, He is bringing in all the good things
- it is pointless to look at the world when He has already supplied our needs
- there is no way you can live for Jesus and come up on the short end of the stick
- if you live with your heart on the alter you will never come up empty
- I can have satisfaction even in my toil (work) because it is a gift from God
- in heartache you must find joy
- He has made everything beautiful in its time
- I know that whatever Gd does, it will endure forever
- Nothing can be added to it, nothing can be taken from it
- Make your plans and run with it – as long as it comes from the Lord
- If God speaks to you – WRITE IT DOWN